Lab Director & Publications

Lab Director

Picture of lab director Dr. Alexander Browman

Alex Browman, Ph.D. (he/him) is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the College of the Holy Cross. A social and educational psychologist by training, his research explores the beliefs that people hold about education and educational disparities, and how understanding these beliefs can help make education more equitable. In particular, he examines how students, teachers, and the public come to internalize inequities in educational contexts and policies, with consequences academic motivation and performance, especially for students from less advantaged, lower-opportunity backgrounds. He then works to develop interventions designed to reform these internalized beliefs and the structural policies and practices that create them. He completed his B.S. in Psychology and Biology at McGill University, his M.S. and Ph.D. in Social Psychology at Northwestern University, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Applied Developmental, and Educational Psychology in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College.

CV and Publications

For links to Dr. Browman’s publications: Please see his CV, below, which provides links to both open-access pre-prints and the official articles.

For materials and data: All available materials, data, and analytic syntax associated with my publications can be found on Dr. Browman’s Open Science Framework page.

If you are having issues with the PDF viewer (below), click here to access Dr. Browman’s CV directly.